Considering becoming a professional coach?
Researching coach training options?
Wondering what credentials, you need or if you need them at all?
Looking for professional coach training within a Christain context?
This ebook will help you find the answers you need!

by Linda Hedberg
The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training
44-page ebook + Current Directory of Christian Coach Training Schools
For those considering coach training for personal development, professional applications, or serving and ministry, this comprehensive resource provides answers.
- A primer on the field of Christian coaching
- Information on accreditation of schools and credentialing of coaches
- A downloadable directory of current top Christian coach training schools
- The directory provides information on each school listed such as primary areas of coach training focus, ICF approval status, website and contact information.
- Eleven decision-making factors are presented, guiding readers through the process of choosing coach training that is right for their unique purposes.
- Training accredited and approved by the International Coach Federation is featured, including courses applicable to ICF credentials at all levels.
- Gain access to the directory of Christian coach training schools updated regularly in 2023.
Kim Avery, Professional Certified Coach and Coach Trainer

Tanya Smith, Social Content Marketing Strategist

Linda Hedberg
About the Author
Linda C Hedberg, PCC, is the author of The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training, a unique resource that features top professional Christian coach training programs and helps Christians make effective decisions about entering the profession and choosing a training program. As an International Coach Federation credentialed coach, she is a coach and mentor to aspiring and new Christian coaches and provides information and resources at She is the presenter for the regularly scheduled Christian Coaches Network International teleseminar, “Becoming a Coach: What You Want to Know.”
Since her initial coach training in 2003, Linda has received certifications from three top Christian coach training programs. In her life and leadership coaching practice, Greater Purpose Coaching, she helps those asking “what’s next” align their vision and plans with their unique purpose so they can have more meaning, satisfaction and joy.
Contact Linda at
Gary R. Collins, PhD.
Author, Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality
Michael J. Marx, MBA, EdD, PCC, and Past President, Christian Coaches Network International, Author, Ethics and Risk Management for Christian Coaches
Tony Stoltzfus, Owner of Coach 22
Products & Events

Group Mentor Coaching
The groups are designed to help you:
- Fulfill your mentor coaching requirement for obtaining your credentials with your school or with ICF.
- Meet your mentor coaching requirement to pursue or renew your ACC or PCC credential with ICF.
- Grow your skills to best serve your coaching clients.
- Gain more confidence in your coaching skills and in the coaching process.
- Hold yourself accountable to excellence with ongoing coaching skills development and community support.

The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training – eBook
For those considering coach training for personal development, professional applications, or serving and ministry, this comprehensive resource provides answers.
- A primer on the field of Christian coaching
- Information on accreditation of schools and credentialing of coaches
- A downloadable directory of current top Christian coach training schools
- The directory provides information on each school listed such as primary areas of coach training focus, ICF approval status, website and contact information.
- Eleven decision-making factors are presented, guiding readers through the process of choosing coach training that is right for their unique purposes.
- Training accredited and approved by the International Coaching Federation is featured, including courses applicable to ICF credentials at all levels.
- The 2023 edition is the tenth update.